Safety safety lock icon

Your Way Service has completed thousands of jobs. We are fully insured, which means your item(s) are covered when in our possession, new or used. We are here to help.

We'll purchase items for you

You can buy item(s) before pick up, or like a friend Your Way Service can buy item(s) for you. You can pay for the price of the item(s) once delivered, with a store purchase receipt included.

If you later decide to return or exchange the item(s) — and are eligible for return/exchange according to the store's refund policy — Your Way Service will return the original item(s) to the store free of charge, without you having to pay another service fee.

Getting Your Time Back

Your Way Service saves you time! By having us complete necessary and time-consuming duties for you — like making a run to the store or picking up something from a friend's house. You will open more time to spend on work, hobbies, family or for yourself. We'll save you time and can also save you money because time is money!

We'll pick up and deliver anywhere in San Jose

It could be a freeway, street, sidewalk, residential, or business area of San Jose. Wherever you are standing or want it to be. Your Way Service will pick up and deliver any item(s) anywhere in San Jose. If you can think of it, we can do it!

Peace of mind

No need to stress knowing that you're part of an exclusive company and have trustworthy helping hands available seven days a week to request service.


Ready to get started?

Here are the next steps to start using Your Way Service!